Hi everyone, I've been very lapse with the blog ...apologies!! I trust & hope that everyone had a brilliant New Year and you're all set for what 2018 brings.
Simon and I just stayed at the Crystal bar on New Years Eve, didn't really have a lot of choice as he runs it :-D I must say we had a lovely and relaxed evening. Most of the Crystal gang were out partying in Sairee and it was just nice to chat to the chosen few :-D We had planned to leave before midnight but I was told we were drinking and chatting till around 1:30am ...where did the time go?!
So this year, Simon and I have started swimming. We try and go every other day. It's pretty difficult when your teaching and diving all day but we've been very good and for the days we've missed, we've made up for by doing the extra lengths (Simon has anyway :-D) I've been very lazy on the cycling front. I've not been out for any lengthy rides at all. I'm aiming to go out this weekend. I still cycle to & from the office ..most days :-D
Simon is now actually taking time off from the bar YIPPEEEEEE ...as his partner LOL is covering and stepping up his game NOT!! ...Last weekend we had some friends over for home cooked pizza, cooked by Steve, who runs 'Crystal Images' the videography company who we share the ECO office. He had lost a bet with Simon (Formula 1 racing bet) and so the bet was to cook pizza from stratch at ours for everyone. Steve, being a former chef did an amazing job. He was at ours from 9.30am prepping, making dough, slicing & dicing ..I didn't know that so much work went into making pizzas :-D
One of the meaty ones |
It's been very hot & sticky for the last week or so and today we've have a couple of hours of heavy rain which has been very pleasant.
Simon is out on the boat today this morning doing dives 3 & 4 with a group of Swedish lads. This is his first Open Water in quite some time. Now that he's not doing social media for Crystal anymore, he's having to teach to earn the pennies.